Monday, June 25, 2012

We should all be so lucky

Recently, we just got out of a financial funk.
And by funk I mean house buying is hell and I'm just glad the numbers are working with us again. We've worked too hard together, for this crap to fall through!

But, spending a few months being *dirt poor* certainly reminded me of what's really important, all over again.
I grew up relatively poor (think hand me down clothes only... shoes that were always too small, government cheese - hey, that stuff was good though!) so I'm a bit surprised that I found it to be so hard at first. I should be used to this right? (well, I am now...)

We haven't been *out to dinner* since... (honestly, I can't remember.. but I wanna say february?) but, that gave me plenty of reason to spruce up my already delicious Noms at home. Which has paid off, because my once picky youngest child now can't wait to see what mom cooks next. He recently told me "Mom, everything you cook is delicious, I love your food". (SO worth it)

We haven't seen a new movie since the holidays... but we're re-watching old ones that we haven't watched in forever... and *forgetting* how funny some of them are (or good, or.. crazy.. )

We've taken a small step out of the major food chain zone .. and learned that going to the farmers market is not only enjoyable for ALL of us, but it's helped my boys to want to try new produce, and helped me stretch a dollar a bit further, while still keeping healthy options in the house. (I mean, I'm glad the kids like ramen and all.. but it's not exactly what I WANT to be giving my kids)

The funny thing now... is that we're good again. We don't have to keep counting pennies... but it's become habit. Which I guess is good. I did splurge on a few *feel good* things, but other than that.. we're still in this mental habit of save save save. We're still in this mode of *what else can we do to help ourselves, but still have a positive effect somehow*... *how else can we cut costs*...
I am even growing my own flowers for cripes sake! Normally I just drop a hundred on already grown flower pots.  This year, I'm doing it myself (and so far, doing good.. considering I normally have a black thumb of death). If you know me, you know why this is a huge deal.

Though I will say this much... once this is all over.. I'm putting this saving crap to good use. The hubs, myself, and our kids? We've never been on a "vacation". Hubs and I have also never been on a honey moon. I think with all this saving, and as hard as we worked over the years... that's going to be my goal. An epic family vacation/honeymoon. Just for us. Because goddamit we deserve it. (Ok I'm done)

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