Monday, July 23, 2012

The Stay At Home Mom saga

Let me start by saying ALL mothers have a hard job. Period. Whether you're a working mom? Or a stay at home mom. It's an exhausting (but can be a rewarding) experience.

"It's not like you work"

"Oh, it's like being on vacation huh"

"Why isn't your house clean, you've been home all day"

"It must be nice to stay at home all day and do nothing"

These are phrases that have actually been said to my face. And you would think after a decade or so... I'd be used to them... but to this day, I am caught off guard with these very words (just not as often) and literally have no quick response other than "REALLY???"

So let me break it down a little bit... (based on the above phrases)

"It's not like you work"

Define work: WORK - noun - Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

Laundry, cooking, cleaning, balancing finances, (and the little extras.. like cleaning boo boos, helping with homework, baking, fixing torn clothing, etc etc et-effing-c)... hmm... sounds like work to me.

"It's like being on vacation"

Vacation - noun - A period of time devoted to pleasure, rest, and relaxation.

So yah, I'm on vacation... when I manage to get some sleep.

"Why isn't your house clean, you've been home all day"

Because sometimes, I am fucking tired. Because sometimes that's all I do.. I clean up the same shit over and over to get a clean house, and in less than 24 hours? It's all back to where it was before I lifted a finger. Sometimes, that makes you feel like you're going crazy. Some jobs offer mental health days or sick days. The few hours that I decide to say fuck it? Is kind of like a mental health hour for myself. If my messy house bothers you that much? You're more than welcome to come clean it up for me. But I'm not paying you.. because I don't get paid to do this shit either.

"It must be nice to stay at home all day and do nothing"

Oh, I know right?? I also have magical powers, wave a wand, and things just get done around here.

I'm not saying I have it harder than working mothers. I am however saying that whoever came up with those stupid stereotypes about what SAHMs do? Can take that thought and shove it up their ass.

BTW... who do you think takes care of the children of working mothers when school isn't in session? Well there is daycare (if they can afford it).. maybe a grandparent or other family member... or... oh yah... someone who is a SAHM. What would some people do without us!

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