Wednesday, May 23, 2012

If the shoe fits

I often have a lot on my mind... (who doesn't, I guess..)

Sometimes, I'm afraid of even putting it out there for people to see... a fear of getting judged.... which seems funny to me, because I was raised to not judge people... that "only "god" can judge".. (Yet, that very fabric I came from... has always been the quickest to judge me)

The irony of my life....

Lately, I've had an overwhelming realization of where I don't fit in... where I don't belong...
That bothers me only because there's a bigger picture where I fit in perfectly.  And I KNOW this. So why am I bothered by the smaller things? Sadness maybe... (I mean, it is kind of sad knowing you don't fit in where you came from... but honestly, it's not worth the sacrifice and misery on my end... just for a kumbaya)

I've spent far too many years (and WAY too many tears) getting to where I am ... in my head, and in my heart... to let anything take my self-worth away.

I need to use my magic to jump into the big picture... where I can stay. Safe and sound.

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