Saturday, June 2, 2012

If you look up irony in the dictionary, my life will flash before your eyes

"Only a dog wants a bone"

"REAL men only want thick women"

I have a problem with these phrases (or any similar phrases).
It is no longer a secret (nor should it surprise anyone) that I am a *recovering anorexic*. (I say recovering, because I don't consider myself completely recovered... I still have bad days.. I just have far more good days than bad days now).
My partner has seen me at my lowest weight. He has also seen me at my highest weight. At both weights, and everything in between, he has never treated me differently.

Anorexia, for me, wasn't about weight. It was about control.. (as were all my other self destructive body behaviors... I could seriously write a book about all the bullshit I've been through/put myself through... but one thing at a time...). I remember going weeks at a time without eating. Because what I put in my body, (at the time.. and don't judge me and my over use of parenthesis) was the only thing I felt I had control over in life.
Unfortunately, I carried this into a marriage...  not really fair to him... but it's not a light switch... you can't just turn it off.

So only a dog wants a bone... considering "dogs" are by far, more loyal than humans... considering the husband-guy has been loyal to me throughout this entire thing... (see what I did there?)
Like I always say.. *A real man doesn't love a thin girl. A real man doesn't love a thick girl. A real man loves HIS girl* (and obviously, me being the equal opportunity lover that I am, genders can be switched around and out to suit your needs).

Above all, love yourself. And love your health.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said!! We need more people like you to openly and candidly speak on this.
    lotsa love to ya
