My 12 year old son is at that age where we can have conversations about life.
This is a bittersweet thing.
He asks a lot of questions...
Just recently he asked more about my biological father (I don't have a relationship with that man)... and while I want to answer my sons questions honestly, I also try to do so in a way that I am not traumatizing this kid either... and I can see the sadness in this boys eyes. He's real sensitive... he looks sad that his own mother didn't get the chance to have the childhood that he currently has... and I try to reassure him that it's ok... we can't change the past, we can only control the future (to a degree of course).
He tells me "I'm going to invent a time machine, so I can go back in time and punch your dad in the face" ... Baby that wouldn't do any good, but I appreciate the sentiment :)
He understand a LOT more than people give him credit for... but at the same time, there are little things he doesn't quite get. Like how do you come from the same family and everybody be so different... different enough in fact, that it keeps families from being a family... even I can't explain that one. All I can tell him is that no matter what... we will always be are own little family...and there will ALWAYS be love in our home (anything else is not acceptable, NOR is it welcomed)....
My kids have made me so much wiser.... :)
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