"But above all this, I wish you love"
(hooray for cheesy, early 90s Whitney)
Two thousand and twelve, without a doubt, was quite the year.
A lot of good (if you took the time to look around you), plenty of ups and downs (If it weren't for our real estate agent? I would have slashed my wrists... house buying was the WORST experience this year... and at the same time? Probably the most rewarding)... Lost a few friends, gained better ones... witnessing my boys get one year closer to being grown men... realizing I am fully "recovered" in some areas, not so much in others (and this is ok).
I hate to sound cliche... but the year is what you make of it. Nobody can promise you greatness, but you can try to create it. Nobody can promise you happiness, but that doesn't mean you can't at least smile. And I'm not saying anything will be easy, but sometimes the best of characters are those who have had to work the hardest to get there. It will all be OK <3