Monday, September 17, 2012

Various things I have learned over the years .. part 3

Sometimes, you really need to take a break.. even if there is still much to be done, your body needs a break every now and then. If you don't let your body rest? Your body WILL make you pay dearly...

There are people on this planet that will do you wrong, and not feel bad for it, nor say sorry. These same people will often be viewed as "outstanding citizens"... "good people".. (etc)...  carrying on their facade, while also carrying around dirty little secrets. (Of course, nobody is perfect, but that's never an excuse to hurt/abuse/use others). There is nothing you can do about this. Accept this. But also learn from this, rise above this, and be better than those people.

There are also those who will use any and every excuse in the book to not better themselves and their life. Don't be that person.

Believe in magic.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.  Your body deserves that much...

Talk TO your children, not AT your children. Let them voice their opinion, and don't raise your voice when you disagree with them. They're individuals, not robots that you program.  If you can't deal with having kid that has a different opinion/lifestyle than you? Then don't have kids. Get a dog.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Success is subjective.

I have a confession to make: I was voted "most likely to succeed" in high school.

The funny thing about that is, I didn't understand what "success" was. I was just the girl who graduated valedictorian, called on the stage numerous time for the awards... etc.. but beyond that? What was "success" after high school, and HOW do/did I achieve it?

Back then, I assumed it was going to the best college, get the best job, make most money...(I don't know how one achieves ANY of that without a decent stable/personal foundation to start life on.. but that's another story)... and when people expect so much from you, and you are unable to live up to *their* expectations... it is a HUGE blow to  your self esteem, and you carry that "failure" bag around. I was NOT successful... (and that bag was heavy)

Now that I'm older, with a little bit more life under my belt... my idea of "success" has changed quite a bit ... I still think college is important, but I've learned that you can be happy without it. Money is important... but not necessary for happiness. (I mean, the hub-monster and I... along with our 2 boys... have been poor as hell... to living comfortably. We've always been a happy family. Money had nothing to do with that. Sacrifice, quality time together, PATIENCE, and communication did all that).

To me, success means finding yourself, being happy, surviving the bad, sharing the good, and making the best of life.

In that respect, I have succeeded.